"I watched hard and did the winning thing. If you wanna win, just f*ckin win!" -- Jessica, 2-time Macabre Madness winner
Welcome to Season 3 of MACABRE MADNESS: the one, the only, the original horror movie bracket tournament!
We've got 60 films going head-to-head in a March Madness-style bracket tournament, this year pulling from decades of horror: '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s, '10s and the wild card division.
In this episode, the whole Macabre Family gets together to preview our selections and talk shit with the live bracket draw.
NEW THIS YEAR: Play to win! Fill out the bracket below and share with us on social (@macabrebros) to win a Macabre Bros prize pack with t-shirt, stickers and films hand-selected by the bros and brahs.
PDF Bracket... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRjzWVwUl_UTbHTNaXifBkXjNpAVPrxZ6RLfAx55bw5118x-EPozq_l1ey5YWPwyGm2dHxQbhd2vRow/pub?gid=1745765665&single=true&output=pdf
Come back soon for Rounds 1 and 2: Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes
Let the best horror film win!
It's part two of the highest-grossing R-rated horror flick in history, based on a best-selling author's gigantic tome, starring two or three of the...
Jason gets exploded!! This is SCREAM GRABS, a bingeable weekly podcast series from Macabre Bros and Brahs where we dissect a single scene from...
Welcome to the Macabre Bros and Brahs podcast! We're a family of horror film and TV fanatics who love talking gore, guts and beer...