Scream Grabs: Us and the family in the driveway

Episode 50 February 19, 2021 00:06:22
Scream Grabs: Us and the family in the driveway
Macabre Bros: A horror movie podcast
Scream Grabs: Us and the family in the driveway

Feb 19 2021 | 00:06:22


Show Notes

"It's us"

This is SCREAM GRABS, a bingeable weekly podcast series from Macabre Bros and Brahs where we dissect a single scene from horror film, TV or literature, showing how just one scene makes great horror legendary, good horror better... and even shitty horror memorable.
This week (our 50th episode!!), Jessica gets scared shitless by a quartet of shadowy doppelgangers just standing there, in the tense moments before shit goes sideways in Jordan Peele's Us (2019).
So tell us: What scene scared you the most in Us? Send your audio or text to macabrebros (at) or hit us up on Facebook @macabrebros
Spoiler alert: Yep they're in there

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